Monday, February 27, 2012


February 26,

Second day and it is the start of school. We again went to the Paris place this morning so that we could use the internet, also got to try a new pastry. Very tasty, it was crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside.
Again we learned the lesson that most places don’t open when we tried to go to the Lottemart to pick up a few things. So we visited the dunkin' donuts and I watched some guy put up power lines as my friend drank his coffee. I never noticed how many wires were up until it had a guy right next to them.
Good news everyone, I found the church’s address in changwon and as soon as I find the building I let you know how far away it is.
We went to the school at one for a meeting with the teacher and half of what she was telling us I couldn’t connect to anything. I’ve got to get past this jet lag in order to start retaining things. We clarified everything with the other teachers and got on square with everything. I shadowed Grace all day, which was good but slightly slow at times. It did give me an idea of what I am going to be doing. The classes seem straight forward and will be fairly easy to get the hang of.
My director seems nice but I can already foresee problems with communication. Mainly because when I try to clarify something she just explains it again in the same disjointed way or gives me more useless information. I then have to go to the other English teachers but I can't keep doing that since they are leaving on Thursday.
We went out for dinner after school, I don’t know about this food. The spicyness is kinda not working with me. The others say I’ll get used to it. I hope so and soon.
We went to ice cream too to cool off my mouth. Man I'm such a wuss.

Oh one last thing, I discovered that with anyone coming to see me, it might be complicated. We wont know my time off till about three weeks ahead. I can take my vacation time though next to a weekend and that could be like a five day weekend. So I will have to revisit this topic later.

Well that’s all for now

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