Sunday, February 10, 2013

I eat Cake...with chopsticks

Yeah for birthdays in Korea, because I was a day ahead it was like celebrating my birthday for two days. And because of my amazing friends, I had about four parties and ate cake for about five days. It was very awesome!

It actually turns out that I have the same birthday as one of my coworkers. And so the night before our birthday, all of my coworkers and I went out to eat Sanipsa, and that was tasty, we had cheesecake.

Then the next day was my birthday, and I got a random call from Alisha. She invited me over where she made me a traditional Korean birthday meal. It had kimchii and this really good seaweed soup that I surprisingly now crave. That night I met Alisha, again, and Jinny, and Hannah to eat yet another amazing meal of seafood and noodles. Everything was cooked live in front of us, a little barbaric but really fresh.  It was super tasty and what was really nice was that Jinny brought her boyfriend who ended up paying for everything. We had cake at the end that I got to take home. Therefore cake was for breakfast.

Friday came around and my friend Jackie came to meet me and we went out to Gamsheetong (potato soup that only has one or two chunks of potato). And guess what, yep she brought cake. It was awesome!

So I got to at least talk a little about the previous weekend. I decided to explore Masan for the last time. So I got over to the fish market and a few of the streets around it. Fish market was cool to walk around in and my friend Jackie was there with me along with a new korean friend named Jisoo. We got over to the Bumin Market as well which is just an area where there are a bunch of shops. 


That's all for this week, happy adventures everyone, oh and three weeks till I go to Japan :)

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