Monday, May 7, 2018

Day 5; Cairns and Wallaby welcome

We hd a flight to Cairns this day but we had a little time before so we checked out the state Theater, except they only let us into the receptions area. So I got a picture of the sign :/

Our next stop was the Barracks Museum, it's the place where they took convicts in when they arrived from the UK.

The building had been used for many things other than a barracks and lately they have been pulling up floor boards and finding cool trinkets from all the ages. Mainly because of rats; they would steal things and put them in their nests.
They let us rest in one of their hammocks.

After the museum, we booked it to the airport; maxing out our opal cards but we made it.


We got a small rental, barely was able to fit all our bags into the car. The flight was about 3 hours and it took a couple hours to get to the hotel so there wasn't much left to do than get food and go to bed. On a happy note, we were greeted by a couple of wallabies outside our hotel. It was a good welcome to Cairns!

Adventure is out there!

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