So this last weekend, my Hopkido instructor was the Honored speaker (like a conductor/ director/priest) at a former hopkido student's wedding and he invited us to go with him to experience what a Korean wedding was like. And all I can say is that is was interesting.
All the older people were dressed in their traditional handbock, which was cool. I got a good shot of one with an awesome furry vest:
Here is my instructor, as he is announcing the couple and directing what will happen next.
The room was cool and beautifully decorated but when the wedding started it turned into what I felt like was a runway show. The lights started changing colors and there was music that was more fit in a dance hall not a wedding. The whole thing was very scripted and their was constantly a person telling them where to sit or stand and when to bow. Then there was this part where they brought out a cake for the bride and groom to cut (mind you they used a gigantic cleaver instead of a normal knife) the lights started to strobe and light them up like a rock concert, along with music. I was fighting back laughing so bad. After they cut the cake they just pushed it off to the side as though it was just a normal part of the ceremony.
Another point in the wedding, the groom started doing push-ups and with each one he would shout how much he loved his new bride. Odd, but cute in a military way. Oh also when the groom was asked if he would marry the bride, he shouted like answering a drill sargent that he would and 'THANK YOU'. It was to say the least intense.
And with all good weddings we had a great buffet afterward, filled with food I had never seen before in my life and a sushi bar which was great. I am starting to warm up to sushi. Not as bad as I thought it would be.
Actually a week before we had another wedding happen with a couple that I train with. The couple are both foreigner, one from America and the other from Scottland. They met while teaching here and to avoid a big ceramony they signed the legal documents here in Korea. Of course my instructor would not allow them to get away without a ceremony. Sabunim, my instuctor, set up everything and so it was at the Dojang (Dojo). He made a huge banner and we had a good little reception ceremony there for them. I thought it was cool because it really was a mix of cultures. Andy, the scottish groom, played the bagpipes and we toasted them with wine (cola for me).
They were fun and definitely unique experiences.
That's all for now, adventure is out there :)
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